eight typography tasks



axial typography task
Axial typographic design is where elements are designed on adjacent axes.

In hindsight this design is too similar to my dilational design just in a square rather than a round format. If I were to repeatedly complete this project, I would probably change it to look more like the content on the miro boards, with blocks of text aligned perpendicular. I could have also made more of a maze like design.


radial typography task
Radial type is when each text ‘radiates’ from a focal point, like spokes on a bike wheel.

This design is definitely one of my more simple ones, I feel like I did not push this design as far as I could have. It ends up looking pretty similar to what other people have made.


dilatational typography task
Dilatational typographic designs are defined through their use of concentric rings.

I think this design is what is expected from a dilatational typography project however this is still one of my favourites. I like how the composition draws your eye to the centre and the variety with the text size.


random typography task
Defined by the lack of rules applied to a composition.

I tried to lean into this concept and have some fun with it, putting some of my text flipped horizontally, in German and in wingdings font. Because I was able to ignore a lot of the rules used in my other designs this one turned out the most unique and interesting.


grid typography task
All text and graphics being organised into rows and columns.

This was surprisingly difficult for me to come up with a design that I found good enough to present, I went through about five different designs. In the end I did manage to come up with something that met my standards.


modular typography task
Shown through the repetition of structures, modular types can often look very broken up or segmented.

To keep it looking modular I used a repeating shape of blocks so it looked like it could be rearranged into a new composition. Because of how the text is organised, and aligned it is probably the most legible of all of my designs. If I were to redo this design I would add some more detail to make the piece more interesting.


transitional typography task
Transitional type is where text moves freely, rather than on an axis.

Arguably transitional is one of the most dynamic typographic systems. I tried to show a feeling of movement and flow throughout my work by using the type on a path tool in Illustrator. I really like this design, I feel like for this one I struck the right balance between having a minimalist, clean design and not being so simple that it looks like other’s work.


bilateral typography task
Defined by their symmetry, placing each design element centred on an axis.

I like this design idea more in theory than in practice. I could have added some more detail to make the design more visually interesting then it is.